Tuesday 28 May 2013

General Meeting

Thanks to everyone who managed to attend the meeting and to those who sent their apologies.

For those who could not attend I have included a few point that we discussed, if you have any comments you can email me them or catch me on the allotment most weekends.

As you will know the Annual competition judging will be taking place in July and August ( dates already supplied) the question raised was about the onions. As a lot of people felt their onions would be ready for pulling up but the rules of the competition state they must still be in the ground. I will clarify this with the committee next time we meet.

It was felt that even though people are aware of the rules of non-cultivation on plots and the procedure that needs to be followed as set by U.A.G.S. we would try to make direct contact with anyone we felt was not cultivating a site to the required standard before U.A.G.S. became involved. This would be way of an informal letter and would hopefully bring a remedy to the situation.

The details of the public liability insurance ( as paid for through our membership of U.A.G.S. ) for each plot holder needs more clarification and once a copy of the insurance policy has been seen then members will be given this at a later date.

As the trading centre has now been sold (except for a signature ) we discussed how we think the profits should be shared. It was a common thought that the site should receive a lump sum and the profits not go to individuals. We could then use it to create a communal area or a toilet block. Further discussions would need to follow.

As is needed by U.A.G.S. there needs to be a ground committee at Mansfied and besides myself and Andy, Lec, Dave and Jim showed an interest. As no other members came forward they are duly now members of the ground committee. As for insurance purposes it was also noted that Jim, Bob, Carl and Lec are to be the members to be insured to use the communal mowers on the site.

As was raised in a monthly meeting of the U.A.G.S. we discussed the possible use of a trial period for when people take on a site with suggestions ranging from 3 months to 6 months. Some people felt a trial period was not necessary because of the 'non-cultivation' procedure as set by U.A.G.S. but others felt it was necessary as this would avoid the use of the 'non-cultivation' procedure. As this point was not finalised when another member joins us the ground committee will discuss this again. If you have any comments about this please email me or see me on the plot.

Once again thanks all for attending and if you weren't able to attend I hope this information is helpful.
If you have not competed your 'new tenant record sheet' please could you do so as soon as possible. This will help to make sure records are up to date and the best way to contact you.

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